Strategy Works believes that our people are our greatest competitive advantage. As a company, we strive to attract, motivate and retain a high-performing, diverse workforce consisting of employees and a network of associates. We work with a number of highly skilled associates. They bring many years of experience in areas such as cross-cultural business, change management, telecommunications and coaching amongst others. This allows us to be highly flexible and offer tailor-made services.
Bob de Wit
Bob de Wit is founder of Strategy Works|Strategy Academy, writer of several internationally leading books and articles, and professor Strategic Leadership at Nyenrode Business University. Bob gives many inspirational talks about the digital transformation, the returning strategic question.
His interest is understanding how leaders make decisions about the future, in which he combines the (economically driven) strategy field and the (psychology driven) field of leadership. He believes in the power of combining academic rigor and practical relevance. Bob has written numerous books and articles, among which his books Strategy: An International Perspective and Strategy Synthesis: Managing Strategy Paradoxes to Create Competitive Advantage. He has been consulting companies and coaching leaders in various industries and has been awarded many teaching prizes.